Monday, February 12, 2024

The Hamas Charter

Hey echo chamber! How many pro-Palestinians do you think have actually read the Hamas charter?

Like, I lead a fairly conservative life but my world view is liberal and usually I relate to the liberal way of thinking. But right now I can't for the life of me relate to the language used by the liberal West. 

Here's just one quote from the Hamas charter:

"The initiatives conflict, what are called "Peaceful Solutions" and "International Conferences" to solve the Palestinian problem. As far as the ideology of the Islamic Resistance Movement isconcerned, giving up any part of Palestine is like giving up part of its religion. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion, in that it educates its members, and they perform Jihad to raise the banner of Allah over their nation."

Tell me more about how the Palestinian leadership is interested in a two-state solution..?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

New Years Resolutions

 So Hamas fired rockets at midnight on New Years. What's their goal? Most of the rockets don't kill or injure anyone, just scare the hell out of everybody and create all sorts of fun PTSD. It's sick.

Anyway I had this crazy idea to make goals for myself for the new year, maybe if I list them here I can focus on getting them done. Because these past few months have made me rethink a lot of what I want from life. My priorities have shifted I guess? Like, my job isn't interesting, that's for sure, and I don't really care because an interesting job really isn't important when you're at war. But also there are truly important things I could be doing with my time, so maybe I should try to do those?

* Diversity: I should work on creating diversity in the workplace and in the army. That would really benefit Israeli society. Women and men, a variety of races, ages, religious views. It's so important.

* Programming: this goal is more personal. I just really need to properly learn C++.

* Sex education: I'm convinced that better sex education would make the world a better place all around. By sex-ed I mean everything from how fertility works, sex and pleasure, contraception, biology in general, sexual orientation, gender identity, consent, relationships and how to recognize red flags in a partner or in yourself. It's not just a lecture you give to teenagers, right? It's a full class that starts in elementry school and goes all throughout high school. I know that conservative societies will have a hard time with it, so the content can be made to fit whatever the society is willing to accept - as long as the information taught is true. For instance, there's no reason that girls shouldn't be taught the basics of fertility awareness even in the most traditional communities.