The one I use all the time... Wait for it...
Ein Li Zman. And I feel so stupid writing it, cuz it sounds like "I don't have time 4 u". But I promise that's not true. Maybe Kash'e Li Limtzo Zman Pnai. That's better.Sound familiar? And it's even true sometimes. I want 2 dedicate this post 2 Yonatan and Gabi specifically, because they hear the excuse most often.
Actually, don't bother reading this-- I'm warning you-- anyone, because it'll just sound like a bunch of complaining, and who needs that? I just feel the need 2 explain myself.
I'm writing it anyway. Why I don't spend my life hanging out.
Every day I leave 4 school at around 7:30, which means I usually wake up at 6:30, I dunno y it takes me an hour 2 get ready, but it does. And I never wake up on time, 2 be honest, and since there is a direct connection between the time u go 2 sleep and the time u get up, I should go 2 sleep before 10:30, ideally.
So Sundays I end school at 5:ish. It's supposed 2 be 5:15, but sometimes the physics teacher starts class early and lets us out earlier. So at 5 I go 2 gymnastics, and I work there with the group from 5:10-6:10, and then there's my own class till 7:10, so I get home at like 7:30 and then I eat dinner and clean up till around 8:00. That leaves me with about 2:30 hours on Sunday, yes? And I need time 2 get ready 4 bed and stuff... That takes away at least half an hour, usually more.
Monday is the same, but no gymnastics. I get home around 5:45/6:00. Dinner. Guess I sort of have time on Mondays.
Tuesday school ends at 2:30, get home around 3:30, cuz it takes 4ever 2 get on a bus around here. And I'm working on Tuesdays too, I believe, from 6:10 to 7:10, which means I'm actually out from 5:45 to 7:30ish. And I go jogging with Mim say around ~8:30-9:30. I'd like 2 go more than once a week.
Wednesdays I'm putting gymnastics on hold until the end of November, because of this play I'm working in with Pnina. Rehersals are at 7:00, and sometimes in JM, so that's the whole evening. I don't get home until around 11.
Thursdays we get out at 4:30, so I'd be home at like 5, I guess.
And Fridays are 4 sleeping in and Shabbat preparations.
Ok, that's not so different from anyone else's schedual, but combine that with HW and the rest disappears: English is actually very little work this year even tho it's 3 she'elonim, but there are bagruyot in 6 other subjects (at least), and one of them is math. Math is a lifetime of it's own: The teacher warned us that it would be work, and that if we spend less than 5 hours a week on homework we might as well throw the bagruyot down the drain. But her HW takes more than 5 hours, I can tell you that much.
Truthfully, this really is just like any other 11th grader's week. So why am I being forced 2 feel guilty wherever I can't go 2 town on a Thursday night?