Sunday, October 01, 2006

God only knows what I'd be without you...

I spent Shabbat at my cousins in Chashmonaim-- it was gr8! I rediscovered what I'd been missing for those 12 years I lived with no relatives (other than my immediate family) in Israel. Like-- we all share this weird sense of humor and stuff. Inside jokes. We spent Friday night dinner telling blonde jokes and talking about people who walk into bars. Ouch. And laughing our heads off. :-D
I love my cousins!!
And of course it's always fun hanging out with my darling Chashmo friends, who I really don't see that often. My sis came with me 2 Judi's this afternoon, but hey--though she may be only 14-- she's fun 2 hang with too!
When I got home from Chashmonaim I met up with Mim, Batzion, MC, Yonatan and Shmuel at Mercaz HaPizza and we hung out 4 a while. Didn't do much, but it's gr8 2 be with people I love.
I got home from Mercaz HaPizza about an hour ago to find my parents and sister watching "Love Actually" (SUCH a cute movie!!), hence the title of this post.
See? Love actually IS everywhere. And G-d only knows what I'd be without u all!


Blogger *Miriam* said...

I love this post!
Yeah it's so cool to be with relatives... I have some in Ra'anana but I don't see them often. Actually I'm gonna go on chol hamoed succot to see my 96-year-old great-great aunt (I think that's the relation- she's my grandfather's cousin's mother. Well, wtvr). I have some third cousins here, too, but I barely see them, donno why. It's actually pretty sad, becuz I'd like to be closer with them.
There is a good side to having relatives scattered around the US: If I need to run away, tehre's always someone for me somewhere.

Friends are amazing! I love my friends!

October 01, 2006 11:41 am  

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