Saturday, October 28, 2006

Proof-- the play I'm working on..

My neighbor Pnina Shechter is directing a play for JEST (Jerusalem English Speaking Theatre), and she asked me to help. It's really cool. She called me in the summer, saying she needed an assistant-- odd jobs and stuff, but it's theatre so of course I said yes!
The play is called "Proof", written by David Auburn. It's a drama, not a musical, and it's been on broadway. There are four characters: Catherine, Claire, Robert and Hal. It takes place in Chicago, today. The basic storyline goes like this: Catherine is the main character, she's 28 years old (in the original script she's 25, but we made her older, I'm not sure why...). Robert is her father, and the actual story starts after he dies-- but there are flashbacks and stuff. Robert was famed for his brilliance as a mathmatician, but in his late twenties he went crazy. Catherine has spent her recent life taking care of him because her mother died (this isn't so relevant to the plot) and her sister Claire lives in New York. Basically in the play we're trying to figure out if Catherine inherited her father's mathmatical ability, or his insanity. Hal used to be one of Robert's students, and after Robert's death he spends time looking through some notebooks that he wrote in while he was crazy to see if there's any trace of the math he used to do-- hoping to find a proof or something. He does find a notebook with a mathmatical proof, but Catherine insists that she wrote it. It's complicated, but it's a really cool play. I read the script before we actually started working on it, and it seemed interesting, but since I've been watching it performed by the actors it really came to life-- I can tell u that Pnina is excellent-- it's a gr8 play.
My job is basically anything Pnina needs me to do. When they reherse I sit there with the script and give them lines they forget and correct them and stuff. When Pnina is working with only a few of them, I run lines with the others. Rehersals are usually in Jerusalem, so we I have plenty of time to talk 2 Pnina on the ride back-- she asks me what I thought of rehersals and stuff. It's really neat-- I really feel like she values my opinions, so I tell her about things that don't look right on stage. See, she spends her time telling the actors where to stand onstage to make sure they're not too close to each other, and they're not going to knock over the set, so she wants me to look at everything that goes on other than that and tell her what I think. I have other odd jobs too. The other day we spent the ride to JM making a list of problems to work on. There are tons. There's no room to move backstage, the set builder is senile, there's no place for rehersals, the actors have no time to change their costumes, stuff like that. Up until last week there was no one doing sound, but she found a teen ager from JM. I dunno if there's some1 doing lights-- but at least there's someone setting them up beforehand. I'm ending up with a ton to do the nights of the play: I have to take care of preparing the stage each scene-- moving chairs around etc., I will have a CD player backstage-- hopefully connected to the sound system-- and I'll be playing the background music on cue, I have 2 set up ppl's costumes so they can throw them on on time-- and then clean up the mess they make when they throw their clothes all over in their rush. I also have 2 sew velcro onto someones costume so u cant see the other costume they have on underneath, and help paint the sets. But that's a post in it's own.
The play is on Wednesday Nov. 15th, Thursday the 16th, and twice on the following Wednesday (the 22nd). Until then there are rehersals four times a week....


Blogger *Miriam* said...

It's so awesome that you're gettin involved in theater. I'm gonna pay ltos of money to see u on stage one day!

October 28, 2006 10:16 pm  
Blogger THIS IS MINE! said...

COOL!! how do i get tikets? how much dus it caust? i really wana go

October 29, 2006 6:21 pm  
Blogger *Astrea* said...

sounds like sooooo much fun! and you totally deserve it. u could do it justice:)
its based on a movie, btw. if u wanna see info about the movie (or ask batya. im assuming she saw it cuz it has jake gyllenhaal and shes obbsessed:p)

October 30, 2006 9:39 pm  
Blogger Leenie ;-) said...

LoL, bz. Although im pretty sure the movie would be based on the play, no?
Joe-- u seriously wanna come? im not in it, but if u look closley when the lights go out then u'll see me moving around chairs and stuff, lol.
Mim-- one day...

October 31, 2006 10:42 pm  

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