Tuesday, July 01, 2014

The boys have been found - their bodies were discovered under a pile of rocks just south of the junction where they were kidnapped.

This is what terror is all about. This wasn't an attempt to negotiate a prisoner exchange, it was a murder for the sake of murder.

The Palestinians were using the hashtag #BringBackOurBoys before the Israelis were - the hashtag is meant to raise awareness for Palestinian children imprisoned in Israeli prisons. Dozens of them, maybe hundreds, I don't know. Israelis adopted the hashtag two weeks ago - the world needs to see that we want our kidnapped boys home, too. But the difference is that a prisoner only becomes a prisoner if he is arrested, and is only arrested if he is suspect of committing a crime. Terror is about harming people who are simply present at the wrong place at the wrong time. It's about not feeling safe, no matter where you are.

Israel went through that recently, during the second intifada. I was too young to really be affected - it started when I was ten years old, I think I didn't completely grasp the situation. But now? What will I do in an intifada now? There's nothing you can do to ensure your own safety. It's not like you can say you'll just mind your own business and no one will bother you, because your own business is exactly where terror affects you. If we go back to that, and unfortunately I feel like eventually we will, every Israeli will have to be scared of taking a bus or eating at a restaurant, because you never know if it might just blow up and be tomorrow's news.


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